Perfume is the noise duo of Grace Anderson (Sandy Brown Gallery) and Lisa Lerkenfeldt (Altered States Tapes). Together they persue identity, sexuality and unconventional femininity through atmsopheric electronics, industrial dance rhythms, voice, feedback and gesture. Watch this space for a forthcoming release on PARADISE DAILY.
Legendary Hearts ooze an elusive chemistry. The collusion of Andrew Cowie’s (Angel Eyes, Match Fixer) disembodied synth sensibility and Kieran Hegarty’s (Superstar) fluorescent liquid guitar lines result in strange medicated states not easily grasped on first pass. Their debut recording, 2012’s Music From The Elevator (Dungeon Taxis, Not Not Fun), plays a little like the softest soft-rock sieved through a porridge of melted pills: chemical, blank, alluring, indistinct. The duo’s latest psychoactive sculpture garden, Aerial View (Not Not Fun, 2014), takes inspiration from a similarly liminal, haunted zone of transience – vacant, nocturnal hubs of travel – but pushes the project into richer, more irradiated moods. - Britt Brown, NOT NOT FUN