Constant Light ring in the new (financial) year with the launch of their second album, a scant, erm, nine years later. ‘Approach’ is “a bunch of lovely quirky pop songs… in the tradition of early Depeche Mode, Andreas Dorau and Silicon Teens; well, perhaps not as silly as the latter… This is perfect pop music” (Vital Weekly issue 1183).
When not interfering in elections Ekranoplans (Экранопланы ) are making a racket like this, according to music critic Michael Helms: “Like some sort of refurbished dirty power station in Kazakhstan ready to reap in the profit the Ekranoplans burst onto the scene last night to rock the Yarra. With lead ranter Simon Strong whirling dervishly, Master G Goldberg pushing pedal power to the fore and the rhythm section sounding like they’d just stepped off the stage of the Howard Stein Music Academy circa 1973 this bunch of hard rocking psychedelic Soviet sympathisers demand your attention…”