Harry Howard vocals and guitar, Edwina Preston keyboards and vocals, Dave Graney and Clare Moore rhythm section. Primary function - Songs informed by a macrocosm of proto- and post- punk styles — ‘even a touch of disco’, Harry has said with a smile. Up-front and memorable with a muscular savvy they deal with often serious topics but never lose a sense of humour or energy.
The band share colourful histories, Harry’s including involvement with Birthday Party, membership of Crime and the City Solution and These Immortal Souls with brother, Rowland S Howard. Dave and Clare’s extraordinary careers require no explanation here. The three have been friends since when they found themselves part of the ‘Australians in Europe’ music scene in the early 1980’s . Last, but not least, Edwina Preston was spoken word performer who fronted The Moll Flanders Band in the late 90‘s. Now well established on the Melbourne scene with the well-received Near Death Experience cd under their collective belts they are preparing new material for a more mature, (’well... say about 20/21 years old’) follow up.
Check them out | Harry Howard and the NDE |