Matt Bailey & Band plays two sets Friday 22/8 from 9.30pm
In between playing bass for ADALITA at this years Laneway and Golden Plains Festivals, Matt Bailey recently launched his 3rd solo LP, DEATH TO NATURE.
DEATH TO NATURE is available on limited edition 12" vinyl, or download, and was recorded and produced at Melbourne's HEAD GAP, by Brent 'Sloth' Punshon (Smog, Nation Blue, Adalita). It’s the follow up to the critically acclaimed Book Of Illumination, and The Three I's.
Before returning to the studio to record once more, Matt Bailey plays two sets live at the Post Office Hotel, Friday 16th May, with his band, drummer Dan McKay (Nation Blue, Adalita, High Tension) and guitarist Nathan Pilch (Cocks Arquette, the Murdered Birds).
"Bailey achieves the distance necessary to describe and define it in the most spare and preciselanguage. Even though he inhabits the same reality we all do, he does not seem part of it......he is a camera, observing and recording the human condition, and translating it into strangely affecting vignettes" - Messandnoise
Check them out | Matt Bailey